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Quantum Technology Lab (QTL)

Our laboratory offers research projects combining theory and experiment.

The research deals with ultrafast light and matter interactions as a basis for quantum technologies such as metrology and quantum computing.

Projects manager: Shiran Even-Haim

Simulating conditional displacement and GKP state with the IBM quantum computer

In this project, we will write a program that simulates continuous variable quantum computation using the IBM quantum computer's discrete system. We will simulate the conditional displacement gate and create an approximate GKP state of many qubits. We will investigate the limits of discrete to continuum and study the analogy between a quantum walk in discrete variables and the conditional displacement gate in continuous variables.

LabAdmin link:

Key concepts: IBM quantum computer, GKP, conditional displacement, continuous variable quantum computation, quantum walk

Further reading:

Prerequisite: Modern quantum computing course 047006/046054 (studying the course while doing the project is okay)

Contact: Shiran Even-Haim


Measuring super-radiance and quantum properties of nano-emitters

In this project, we will investigate the unique properties of electromagnetic radiation emitted from different nanometer emitters excited by free electrons. These features include the photon statistics, the coherence of the radiation, and its spectrum. In addition, we will delve into super-radiance, which is the radiation created when there are many exciters (free electrons) or emitters acting together coherently.

LabAdmin link:

Key concepts: Photon statistics, cathodoluminescence, superradiance

Further reading:

Contact: Yuval Adib

EM field tomography in 2D materials and plasmonic devices

In this project, we will deal with the development of innovative methods for measuring the electromagnetic field in a complete vector manner, that is, direct measurement of all the components of the field. Using these methods, we are interested in investigating two-dimensional materials (materials made of a single number of atomic layers). In these materials, fundamental physical questions surround the way electromagnetic waves travel on the surface. Another direction of research is vector optical mods called Skyrmions, which exist in devices based on the interaction of light with the surface of a metal (plasmonic devices).

LabAdmin link:

Key concepts: EM field tomography, 2D hyperbolic materials, optical skyrmions

Further reading:

Contact: Tal Fishman

Design and measurement of THz sources for electron beam shaping and control

In this project, we will develop and characterize laser-pumped sources for generating short electromagnetic pulses in the terahertz range. These sources and the emitted radiation are used to shape the electron beam in the microscope, emphasizing the creation of short/monochromatic electron pulses. We will explore new experiments made possible by these pulses, such as quantum random walk.

LabAdmin link:

Key concepts: Electron monochromation, electron phase-space manipulations

Further reading:

Contact: Michael Yannai

Probabilistic Shortest Path Algorithm for Quantum Communication

Looking for students who desire to contribute to the birth of the quantum internet, through algorithms for quantum communication based on quantum teleportation. We know that quantum information cannot be copied (No-cloning theorem) though it can be communicated from one place to another, using the scheme of quantum teleportation. We can envision chains of users in a quantum internet, connected by a graph structure, who wish to communicate quantum information. This approach has already been proven to be resilient to malicious use like eavesdropping and hacking, but the special nature of quantum communication demands new algorithms for determining the best way to link users in such networks. One such exotic behavior, is the probabilistic nature of quantum measurements, which introduces new links to a network in a probabilistic fashion. New theoretical algorithms are needed to address this new behavior.

LabAdmin link:

Key concepts: Random graphs, quantum communication, shortest path algorithms

Further reading:


Contact: Nir Gutman 

Protocols Generating Machine for the Creation of Symmetric States

Looking for students experienced with at least one DNN package (e.g. TensorFlow, Pytorch etc.. ) and an enthusiasm for Quantum Computing. A standing challenge in quantum computation and communication is to create quantum states which can encode qubits and be corrected for errors. A new study promises the creation of such quantum light using a specific class of quantum states called “symmetric states”. Here we desire to create an efficient scheme for the creation of symmetric states, based on a mathematical proof for the existence of such schemes. Harnessing the power of auto-differentiation packages like Pytorch, we wish to build a tool that could provide protocols for this task, with the capacity to account for noises in quantum systems.

LabAdmin link:

Key concepts: Quantum Universality, Quantum circuits, Quantum noise channels, Machine Learning

Further reading:

  • Required courses: Any course in quantum computation/algorithms/technology
  • Ability to write good-quality code in python
  • Experience with a Deep Neural Network tool. Preferably in python
  • Good to have: Some familiarity with core concepts in quantum information